Yves Pilet Yves Pilet

Case: Neoviaq


The challenge

This financial player with offices in Luxembourg and Belgium is experiencing strong growth and is looking for specialists in the field of tax advice, payroll and corporate finance.

Due to the geographical location of the various Neoviaq offices, the local community must be taken into account.

Neoviaq wants to move forward, but understands that this is not possible without the right employees. For their customers, they distinguish themselves by really thinking along with the customer and they also ask that approach from their current and new employees.

The solution

The target group analysis showed that the perspectives differed for the various specialists: the motives for the manager tax consultant, the tax consultant, the payroll consultant and the corporate finance consultant each had their own specific motivation to start working at Neoviaq. We worked together with Dirk Vandriessche for this, who expertly conducted interviews in French and German with Neoviaq employees.

Neoviaq consciously chose to first draw up an employer branding strategy before starting labor market campaigns. Based on the EVP ambition session, we drafted an EVP concept based on the collected data.

Based on this analysis, supplemented with insights into identity, vision and image, the EVP for Neoviaq has been drawn up with the core positioning: People with passion.

The result

The target group analysis showed that the perspectives differed for the various specialists: the motives for the manager tax consultant, the tax consultant, the payroll consultant and the corporate finance consultant each had their own specific motivation to start working at Neoviaq. We worked together with Dirk Vandriessche for this, who expertly conducted interviews in French and German with Neoviaq employees.

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Yves Pilet Yves Pilet

Case: ARP

ARP Nederland

The challenge

This national player in IT in the Netherlands wanted to strengthen its position on the European labor market. Its closely link to Bechtle, its global counterpart, and needed a differentiated yet complementary employer branding strategy for the next few years.

The solution

With the help of the Engine workshop, an EVP for ARP was drawn up in consultation with the HR and Communications team.

After approval by ARP as well as Bechtle, its core positioning was matched with ARP corporate brand, fitted within the overall brand architecture and formulated in ARP’s employer branding strategy with key insights and next steps.

The result

ARP not only had an employer branding strategy for the future, but also deep insights in to its target groups based on quantitative and qualitative research for its recruitment activities.

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Yves Pilet Yves Pilet

Case: Terumo


The challenge

This pharmaceutical global player with its headquarters in Tokyo, Japan wanted to strengthen its position on the European labor market. Its Japanese roots and the premise that Terumo contributes to society were key points from the briefing for drafting the EVP.

The solution

With the help of the Engine workshop, an EVP for the European market was drawn up in consultation with a delegation from the European HR and Communications team.

After approval from the head office, the core positioning Master Your Contribution was not only used to draw up the creative concept of the communication, but also as guidelines for recruitment and the structure of vacancy texts in particular.

Both the EVP and the creative concept and the lion's share of the internal and external communication have been developed by Yves Pilet and Dirk Vandriessche respectively. The employer brand video is compiled by third parties based on the EVP framework.

The result

Terumo Europe has developed a contemporary line in labor market communication based on the three brand pillars that suit a global player with Japanese roots. Based on the briefing, a consistent line of communication and recruitment expressions was then developed for the European market and relevant functions for the future of Terumo.

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Yves Pilet Yves Pilet

Case: CBS

Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek

The challenge

Statistics Netherlands is the central government body in the field of historical data in the Netherlands. Reliability and credibility are crucial for this data, which works closely with Eurostat, among others. In addition to methodologists, Statistics Netherlands is always looking for IT specialists who understand the business.

The solution

Based on a pitch, a selection was made of a creative agency that took care of the development of the concept and the first means of communication. In close cooperation with the Corporate Communication department and the Recruitment department, the concept was ultimately chosen in which the work-life balance of employees is paramount.

The result

A concept based on the principles as described in the briefing entitled 'Are you ready to join us?'. In the elaborations, the huge data numbers that are relevant to an employee are aligned with aspects that he or she finds important in their spare time.

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Yves Pilet Yves Pilet

Case: Sabic


The challenge

As a relatively new player in Europe, Sabic with Saudi Arabian roots faced a challenge: positioning itself as an attractive employer in Europe for both process operators and corporate positions.

The solution

After a thorough analysis of the labor market, a completely new and appropriate creative concept was developed based on the briefing. The contraction between working the old way versus working the Sabic way was central to this.

A means of communication has then been developed for virtually every touch point in the employee journey that fits within that concept. Given the relative unfamiliarity of Sabic with respect to competitors in the petrochemical market, the emphasis was then placed on increasing visibility on the labor market.

The result

Development of a complete line with a wide variety of communication tools for the right target groups, especially in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France and Germany.

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