What we do


To approach your target groups in a targeted manner, you need to make the right translation of your EVP in communication and recruitment. It not only requires an overarching creative concept for all your communication tools, but also the right approach from recruiters. They are initially the face of your organization at the moment that the promise of your organization as an employer must be fulfilled with potential employees.


Challenges we tackle

Challenge 1

Concept and communication

The creative translation to all internal and external communication resources based on the developed EVP.

Challenge 2

Employer brand training

Het intern delen van kennis omtrent employer branding, de strategie en EVP met jouw staf.

Challenge 3

Recruitment optimization

Het verbeteren van bestaande en ontwikkelen van nieuwe recruitment aspecten voor werving.

Communicate continuously with your target groups

Je dient als management, HR en Communicatie één geheel te vormen als het gaat om het uitdragen van het employer brand.

Dat gaat verder dan communicatie middelen alleen. De sleutel tot een goed employer brand is de bedrijfscultuur. De mensen die er werken maken of breken die cultuur en bepalen uiteindelijk het succes van de organisatie.

We've done this before

“Together with colleagues, Yves worked on optimizing CBS' labor market position and was involved in the development of the new successful labor market campaign that is part of the CBS employer branding strategy.”

— Karin van Kasteel,

Advisor labor market communication, Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek

Related work for clients

Combining data with work-life balance

Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek

Contradiction as a driver for choice


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Other services we offer


Naomi De Jong-Van de Leur

Virtual assistant