What we do

Measurement brings knowledge

Employer branding is not a one-time project. Only by continuously managing your reputation as an employer are you able to recruit, motivate and retain the right talent.

Based on the right KPIs, you measure which parts of your employer brand can be improved and we show you how to approach this.


Challenges we tackle

Challenge 1

Measuring the employer brand

Provide insight into the consequences of implementations using pre- and post effect measurements.

Challenge 2

Employer brand KPIs

Using the right KPIs does not determine which data you should collect, but also how you can use it.

Challenge 3

Employer brand returns

Investing in the right aspects of your employer brand ensures an optimal employer brand ROI.

Ultimately, it's all about the RIO of employer branding

In the employer branding strategy we already take a first look at the employer brand KPIs to be used, but during the implementation we actually start working on improving the employer brand.

The starting point here is to further optimize every aspect of the employer brand based on the right KPIs. That way you as an organization do not waste time and money.

We use two of our main tools for this step: employer brand collector and employer brand returns.

Do you want to know more? Schedule an appointment

Other services we offer


Naomi De Jong-Van de Leur

Virtual assistant