

“Dare to present yourself as a human being.”

- Yves Pilet

Are you looking for a substantive speaker for your next HR event? Do you like to make it interactive? Do you want to give your participants new insights?
Then book employer branding expert Yves Pilet.

Why Yves Pilet?

Strong in terms of content

Been working on the subject of employer branding based on data and emotion for 20 years.

Interactive and playful

With data, open questions and playful workshops, he able to give real insights.

For beginners and experts

Tailored to the participants' knowledge level of the employer branding theme.

Strong in terms of content

Yves Pilet is a much sought-after speaker at HR events, live on stage or simply online. With his practical scientific approach and interactive way of presenting, he knows how to not only take the audience into the world of employer branding, but also touch them as people. Based on his practical tips and extensive knowledge of the field, he teaches the audience something new about the subject every time.



“Yves is one of those experts who can adapt his explanations to a wide audience. Making a fairly complex subject like employer branding accessible by using understandable models and avoiding too much jargon.”

Karl Vansteenkiste
Global Head of Talent Acquisition, Sanofi


Interactive and playful

Yves takes his audience into the world of data-driven emotional employer brand management in an interactive way. He shares knowledge, insights and lets participants discover for themselves what the theme can mean for them. With the help of playful exercises based on scientific research, it becomes clear not only what the data tells us, but also what behavior is involved.


“It's safe to say that Yves has put employer branding on the map and has given many employers many useful insights into how they can be an attractive employer.
Yves did this in a very professional, often playful way and with infectious enthusiasm.”

Rob Witjes
Head of Labor Market Information, UWV

For beginners and experts

Employer branding is a topic that is gaining more and more attention. Participants often know in general terms what the theme entails, but sometimes they want to gain new insights as experts. Depending on the level of the participants, Yves can provide a session that suits the customer's wishes.


About Yves Pilet

Yves has been researching and sharing knowledge about employer branding for 20 years. Using his BluePrint© methodology, he has advised organizations such as CBS, UWV, Sanofi, Terumo and SABIC on their employer brand. Yves Pilet is the author of the book 'Boost Your Employer Brand'.

According to Yves, recruitment nowadays requires much more than attracting new employees with the help of a good recruitment campaign. Employees choose organizations with a clear intention, that are prepared to continue to develop existing employees and stand for sustainable entrepreneurship.

In his view, people want to work for organizations that look beyond economic interests. At the same time, organizations benefit from happy employees: they are more loyal, more productive and more complete as persons. That is why these employees and organizations find each other best as a result of employer branding in which both economic and social interests play a role.

“Yves provided a webinar on employer branding for our HR Community. Due to the very positive feedback, we immediately planned a follow-up, an online and offline event. Based on his experience, he knows how to initiate a valuable discussion, makes people think and challenges them to go further in their employer branding journey. He is more than an expert, he frees up energy for results-oriented action. A true reference in the field of employer branding.”

Sofia Overmeire

General Manager,
HR Talents

“What a great collaboration with Yves to provide an insightful session on employer branding. I really appreciate his pedagogical approach, which provides inspiration and concrete advice to take an employer brand to a higher level.”

Amelie Weber

Global Talent
Acquisition &
Employer Brand
for Consumer

“Yves gave a very good session and I noticed that people really thought about what he said. What was especially impressive was that his audience also dared to be vulnerable and ask open questions.”

Suzan van der Molen


In de media

Yves regularly appears in the media, on radio, TV and online.


These are the options to book Yves as a speaker

Inspirationsession employer branding

Discover what employer branding is, why it is important for you and what steps you need to enhance your employer brand.

Level: beginners

Find out more about data-driven emotional employer brand management. The use of ours is optional online tool Generator.

Level: beginners

Inspirationsession data and emotion

Inspirationsession measuring is key

Determining who you are as an employer and implementing this is one thing, but how do you measure the effect of your strategy?

Level: advanced

Co-creation session EVP development

Work on the first contours of your organization’s EVP in collaboration with others participants. The use of ours is optional online tool Engine.

Level: advanced

Discover how you as a participant use the right employer brand KPIs for optimal ROI. The use of ours is optional online tool Returns.

Level: experts

Co-creation session employer brand ROI

Interactive tailor-made session

Coordinate your wishes with Yves Pilet and determine what the tailor-made program for your session will look like.


Frequently asked questions from customers

  • An inspiration session is short and bonding and intended as a first introduction to a (sub)theme of employer branding. A co-creation session is more extensive and in-depth in content and form.

  • The sessions are relevant for a CEO, CHRO, CMO, Head of HR, Head of Communications, (senior) HR (business) advisors and (senior) recruiters.

  • Both an inspiration session and a co-creation session can be given in Dutch, English and German.

  • Depending on the option, a session lasts a minimum of 20 minutes and a maximum of 3 hours.

  • It is advisable to plan a session with Yves as a speaker up to two months in advance.

  • Yes, an online session is also possible. Both types of sessions - an inspiration session and a co-creation session - can take place online or on location. However, experience shows that a co-creation session is best done on location.


Yves Pilet

“Dare to present yourself as a human being.”