Determine the foundation of your employer brand

Use data and emotion to determine who you are as an employer

Automatic data processing

Collecting, analyzing and interpreting the relevant building blocks of your Employer Value Proposition.

Motivations are the core of behavior

Quantification of the emotional drivers of all employees as a basis for desired human behavior.

Practically applicable

Visual reporting and dashboard as a basis for the EVP workshop based on the data and emotional drivers.

Automate data collection, analysis and interpretation of the building blocks of your EVP

As an employer, it is essential to know what drives your employees. We determine the building blocks of your EVP based on quantitative and qualitative data. Using the Engine tool, we collect all relevant data about your organization as an employer and pour this into a visual report and dashboard. Engine is one of the tools within our Employer Brand BluePrint methodology. This enables you to compare integral data with each other.

The attractive thing about this method is that not only the leadership team is involved in this positive change, but that everyone within and outside the organization can participate. It creates a culture in which everyone feels heard and in which personal motivation and connection are central.

Discover the emotional drivers behind happiness at work

Engine is our unique online tool to draw up your Employer Value Proposition. With the integration of the 23plusone method, it not only provides insight into the status of your employer brand, but also into the emotional drivers underlying it.

23plusone is the scientific method to discover the human drivers behind our happiness. With the help of the drivers you gain insight into what motivates and connects us, both on an individual level and within teams and organizations.

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Very inspiring to see how Yves Pilet Consultancy has made 23plusone completely their own in a relatively short time and dealing with it in a data-driven way without forgetting its real meaning.

Michael Cortino, The 23plusone Collective

These companies rely on our BluePrint methodology